Marpa Monthly – February 2014

Categories: Marpa Monthly

Marpa Monthly



Meditation Practice Day Sunday 2 February – 10.30am and 2.30pm Free of charge The Calm Abiding meditation sessions will be led by David Crawford, who has been a student of Chime Rinpoche for many years. The day is ideal for beginners as well as the more experienced practitioner. It is a wonderful opportunity for the Sangha to practise together and to spend a day in the tranquility of Marpa House. Free of charge but if you would like to have lunch (£5), please let the Secretary know in advance.

Young Sangha Weekend Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 February The Young Sangha Weekend is open to anyone between 18 and 40 who is interested in Buddhism and meditation. Please contact Ben Henriques who organises the weekends via Marpa House if you are interested in attending.




Tibetan Language Day Sunday 16 February – 10.30am and 2pm Fee for the day: £10 (including lunch) Anyone with some knowledge of Tibetan (who can read Tibetan and use a dictionary) is welcome to join in a day of reading and translating.


The Venerable Tenzin Instructions on Mahakala Puja Saturday 22 February – 10.30am and 2.30pm Couse fee: £6 per session The Venerable Tenzin will go through the text of the short Mahakala puja and give instructions on how to use the instruments and make offerings.  




Losar Mahakala Pujas Wednesday 26 February – 10.30am and 2.30pm Thursday 27 February – 10.30am and 2.30pm Friday 28 February – 10.30am and 2.30pm The Venerable Tenzin will be leading the offering prayers to the Dharma Protector Mahakala. This is traditionally done before the Tibetan New Year begins and helps to clear all obstacles for the year ahead. All are welcome to join in the pujas.   Losar – Tibetan Year of the Male Wood Horse Sunday 2 March – 2.30pm We will celebrate Losar with the offering of kataks, a short puja, a Lhasang bonfire and a tea party. All students and their friends and relatives are very welcome to attend. Please bring food contributions for the tea party.



ADVANCE NOTICE   Lama Klaus Silent Retreat Saturday 22 to Saturday 29 March Course fee: £240, including food and accommodation in single rooms   We are very pleased that Lama Klaus has agreed to lead another silent retreat. He will give an introductory talk at 5pm on Saturday afternoon and the retreat will start formally after the Chenrezi Puja. Marpa House will then be silent until the morning of Saturday 29 March. There will be scheduled meditation sessions in the shrine room every day. During the week there will be time for question and answer sessions and one-to-one discussions with Lama Klaus. The retreat will conclude with a tsok puja. Please book early as places are limited so that everyone can have their own single room. You will have to commit to the full course and it will not be possible to attend as a day visitor. To secure your booking we are asking for a non-refundable deposit of £100.   Lama Klaus met Lama Chime Rinpoche in New Zealand in 1985 and took refuge with him in 1988. He also met Tai Situ Rinpoche in New Zealand and attended his Mahamudra course at Samye Ling, Scotland, between 1990 and 1997. In 2008 Lama Klaus, with Chime Rinpoche’s blessing, completed a three years and three months retreat at Karme Ling in the USA.


The Trustees have been deeply touched by the response to their appeal and are very grateful for all the donations received so far. It has been a great relief for them to see how much Marpa House means to students. The installation of the new fire alarm system is well under way and is expected to be completed by the beginning of February. The carpenter has begun work on the bedroom doors, all of which have to have self closers, intumescent strips and smoke seals. Some of the doors are going to be replaced as they don’t meet the fire regulations.
Last week we had another visit by the fire inspector and he was very happy with the progress we have made so far. Once phase one is completed we will be given six months for the completion of phase two. This involves repairing the fire escape stairs, replacing the windows in the tea room and the cloak room with fire resisting glazing and creating a new emergency exit from bedroom 4.
The Trustees would like to thank everybody who has given so generously so far. If you would like to make a donation, then please send a cheque to Marpa House, made payable to The Dharma Trust (please write Fire Appeal on the reverse) or use this Paypal link.


Welcome to Barbara Wolter who has just stepped in as the new Marpa House Secretary! She looks forward to spending another year at Marpa House after having been such a great cook for us over these past 13 months.


Marpa House operates with semi-permanent staff members who keep the house open to visitors, retreatants and those attending large and small courses taking place during the year. Currently we are looking for a cook and a cleaner. As a long term volunteer you live at the house and receive a small honorarium to cover basic costs of living.
We would currently welcome any help, especially with the cooking, even if it is only for a weekend or one or two weeks. All meals and accommodation are provided free of charge, and you have the opportunity to work, practise and study at Marpa House. To find out more please contact the House Administrator, or a Committee member.


It is easy to donate to Marpa House and to help ensure that Marpa House is here for at least another 40 years. All you have to do is click this link: here


Changes in the Committee continue with Sian Rabi-laleh leaving the Committee after Losar. She has been such a star at organising events and providing her wonderful baked treats for us all to enjoy. Joining the Committee is Meng-Chee Leong who has been a regular at the house for a few years now. We welcome her commitment and enthusiasm and we know she will be a valuable member of the group.

Thank you for your ongoing support and interest in Marpa House!
with best wishes,
Marpa House Committee

Author: MaRpA